Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Jehovah’s Witnesses Perversion of Christianity

Just last month, two Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on my door. I wasn’t there at the time and my wife not knowing who they were, answered the door. Once she realized who they were she worked on getting them to leave, but not before they gave her a couple of their magazines. When I came home from work she showed them to me. I told her not to throw them away so I could read them. Well, I finally got around to reading them, so I could see for myself how they have perverted Christianity. Several articles caught my eye. In the time I glanced through the magazines, I saw four main things that differed from Christianity: blood transfusions, war, the afterlife, and the Trinity.

Blood transfusions are not allowed in their religion. They support this with Bible verses calling for the people of Israel to not drink blood. Hmmm… blood injected into your body to keep you alive is the same as drinking blood in a pagan ritual… ok? I have no idea how any sensible person could translate those Bible verses in a way that makes them prohibit blood transfusions, but they did.

War is also prohibited by their cult. To support this, they basically use Jesus’ words saying to love your brother as yourself or love your enemies, which I agree with. You shouldn’t go to war with someone because they won’t convert. They then go on to say that Jehovah’s Witness is the only religion that did not participate in World War II. To that I say, “why are you proud about that?” Millions of Jews, gypsies and other innocent people were gassed and incinerated by the Germans, and you are proud that you didn’t try to stop them? That’s a good way to show love to all those Jews you allowed to be massacred. Wow… what an intellectual disconnect, once again. This is confusing now… so God changed his mind? He told Israel to go to war, but now it’s not okay? Even though you have an article in your magazine saying that God doesn’t change his mind. Intellectual disconnect.

Jehovah’s witnesses don’t believe in an afterlife. I know… I know… that kind of defeats the whole purpose of religion, but oh well. To support this view, they refer to God… I mean Jehovah… creating Adam out of dust and breathing the breath of life into him, which then gave him a living soul. Then when Adam sinned, his soul died, so there is no life apart from the body. This view goes against both the Old and New Testaments. I have not read the Jehovah’s Witnesses “special” version of the Bible, but they must have had to do some serious editing to get rid of all references of an afterlife. Such as Jesus saying he was going to his Father’s House to prepare a place for believers, or even John 3:16; “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Last, but definitely not least, they do not believe in the Trinity. This was just mentioned in an article of how to know which religion was true. They made sure to point out that true Christianity has one God; therefore the Trinity does not exist. I’m not sure how they weaseled their way out of this one, since the Bible clearly states that there is one God, Jesus claims to be God, and the Holy Spirit is clearly God. Three separate persons, yet one God, the Trinity. To deny this fundamental foundation of Christianity, they must have had to edit those sections, too. As well as Genesis 1, where God refers to himself in plural form; “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

After reading their material and comparing it to what the original Bible says, Jehovah’s Witnesses are clearly not Christian. They are a cult, which leads people away from the Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father but by him. Since they clearly do not have the proper view of Jesus, they do not have the proper Father either.