Thursday, December 20, 2007

Irrational Response Squad

What is rational about the Rational Response Squad? Not much, if any. Go to You Tube and watch the Rational Response Debate videos with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron debating the "Rational Response Squad" with Kelly (aka kellym78) O'Connor and Brian Sapient. It was broadcast live Spring of 2007. I've watched the debate all the way through and am amazed how stupid some people are. A lot of the people in the crowd would applaud the most idiotic arguments from Brian and Kelly. I was thinking to myself, are these people even listening to the words coming out of their mouths? Wow. Some people are pretty stupid. Think, people, think! Use your common sense. Actually think about the Rational Response arguments, they aren't even logical. As you are watching the clips, you might also want to check out some of the comments below the videos. Oh, boy. There are a lot of stupid people commenting. I wasted most of my free time for two or three months trying to reason with those people. It's like talking to a brick wall. It's not that they aren't intelligent enough to understand what I am saying, (or at least I hope they are) but they don't want to listen to what I say. If they even consider the idea that there is a God and He will punish those who have broken His Law, their conscience will unrelentlessly torment them, because their conscience screams to them that it is true. They work so hard to quiet their screaming consciences. You can tell that what Ray and Kirk are telling them upsets Kelly (aka kellym78), because she almost starts crying as she tries to justify her sinful life to herself and tries so hard to combat the arguments of Kirk and Ray. Just watch the videos, you'll see what I mean. It's not pretty, but it shows that she hasn't completely been able to kill her conscience, because it is trying to warn her of the judgment to come.


Rick said...

I wrote this blog after finding out that the only person to date to leave a comment (other than me) was Kelly herself as kellym78. Feel free to read her idiotic comment about Todd Friel on my earlier blog, "Blasphemy Challenge," which is basically just a You Tube video.

Frank Walton said...

I have a blog against the (ir)Rational Response Squad here.