One of Mormonism's most important foundational beliefs is the belief that "as man is, God once was; as God is, man may be." This is also what Mormons try to keep non-Mormons from finding out, lest they realize that Mormonism is NOT Christianity, as most if not all Mormons claim. Why would they blatantly lie about their religion? Why do they want to be called a denomination of Christianity just like Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, etc? Why do they try to blend in when their own "prophets" and "scriptures" teach them that Mormonism is true Christianity, and that all the others are false Christianity and of the Devil?
I call Mormonism the Church of Satan of Latter-Day Saints for a good reason. Their foundational belief that men can become like God is basically what Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden. When you eat the fruit "your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." What do you know, almost the exact same thing that Mormonism teaches. Therefore, it is in reality the religion of Satan, since they follow his teaching.
Got any problems with my conclusion? Don't get mad at me, Mormonism was Joseph Smith's dumb idea. Mormons, think for yourselves. Actually compare the Holy Bible with the Mormon literature. The Mormon literature is at complete odds with the Bible, so one of them has to be wrong. If you are smart you would go with the Bible, since unlike Mormon literature (Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and whatever else they come up with), the Bible has been found to be 100% factual and reliable. The Bible is the most thoroughly tested book and has never been found to have a mistake, and never will have one. It is the inerrant Word of God. So Mormons, use your God given brains and think! That goes for everyone else who isn't a Christian, whether your Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, agnostic, or atheist. Think!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
People Don't Go To Hell for Not Believing In Jesus!
Here, I'll clear it up for all you; atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, or whatever you non-Christians want to call yourselves, that complain to Christians that "it's not fair that people go to Hell for not believing in Jesus. There are pygmies in the middle of a jungle who have never even heard of Him, so why should they be sent to Hell?" Yes, I agree that it would be unfair if God sent people to Hell just for not believing in Jesus. That wouldn't make sense at all. But the Biblical and Christian answer to why people are sent to Hell is because they have sinned. Just about everyone knows about the Biblical story have Adam and Eve. They disobeyed God and brought sin into the world. Sin is basically disobeying God. Because God hates sin so much, that He will not allow sin to be in his presence. Therefore, sinners go to Hell.
You might be thinking, "God never came down and whispered in my ear what I can and can't do. So why do I get punished for doing something I don't know is wrong?" That doesn't work either. It is undeniable that we are all born with a conscience. Con means with, science means knowledge. Therefore conscience means with knowledge. We sin with knowledge. Your conscience makes you feel guilty every time you sin, but since we are in a sinful state, our conscience aren't working properly. We are able to ignore them. God also gave men the 10 Commandments as our guidelines to what sin is. If you have lied you are a liar. If you have stolen something no matter the value, you are a thief. If you have been unjustly angry at someone, you are a murder at heart. If you have looked at someone with sexual desire, you are an adulterer at heart. These are only four of the commandments, there are still six more. God looks at our thoughts, not just our actions. The Bible tells us that no thief or adulterer will enter the Kingdom of God and that all liars will have there part in a lake of Fire (aka Hell).
According to the 10 Commandments and the Bible, nobody is worthy of heaven. Everyone has sinned and is deserving of Hell. There will be a day of judgment where you will be brought to trial with God as the judge, and you will be judged for every thought and every action. What can you do. You know that you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer, and a murderer. You know that you are guilty of breaking God's Laws and are deserving of Hell. Like a good judge, you cannot bribe God with good works. You cannot earn God's favor by anything that we can do. It is like telling a judge in a court of law, "yes honor, I killed that woman and stole her car, but I give money to charity. Could you please let me go." The judge would be insulted and would give you your sentence in prison.
You now know that God cannot be bribed, and your eternity is starting to look pretty bleak. But there is still hope. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect, sinless life, and to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. This is similar to back in the court of law. You realize that there is nothing that you can do because you cannot afford the fine, and therefore will have to serve your prison sentence. But Jesus, dying for our sins, is like someone who you don't know, coming into that courtroom and laying down the million dollar fine. He tells you that he loves you and that he sold all of his possessions so that he could come up with money to pay the fine. The judge looks at the money, sees that the fine has been paid, knows that justice has been served, and releases you. All you have to do to receive Christ's gift to you is to repent of your sins and to place your faith in Jesus. Repent means that you apologize to God for your sins and turn away from them. Then you put Jesus Christ on as you would put a parachute on if you were jumping from a plane. You trust Jesus with all of your life.
In conclusion, people do not go to Hell for not believing in Jesus. They go to Hell because they are sinners and deserve to go to Hell for braking God's Laws. Everyone is on a highway to Hell, and the only way to escape that terrible fate is through Jesus Christ. You now know what must be done to become a Christian and have everlasting life. You should realize that God is not some big bully sending people to Hell, but his a righteous, holy, and just God that proved how much he loved us by sacrificing His Son while we were yet sinners.
Amazing Grace
How Sweet the Sound
That Saved a Wretch like Me.
I once was Lost,
But now am Found,
Was Blind, but now I See.
You might be thinking, "God never came down and whispered in my ear what I can and can't do. So why do I get punished for doing something I don't know is wrong?" That doesn't work either. It is undeniable that we are all born with a conscience. Con means with, science means knowledge. Therefore conscience means with knowledge. We sin with knowledge. Your conscience makes you feel guilty every time you sin, but since we are in a sinful state, our conscience aren't working properly. We are able to ignore them. God also gave men the 10 Commandments as our guidelines to what sin is. If you have lied you are a liar. If you have stolen something no matter the value, you are a thief. If you have been unjustly angry at someone, you are a murder at heart. If you have looked at someone with sexual desire, you are an adulterer at heart. These are only four of the commandments, there are still six more. God looks at our thoughts, not just our actions. The Bible tells us that no thief or adulterer will enter the Kingdom of God and that all liars will have there part in a lake of Fire (aka Hell).
According to the 10 Commandments and the Bible, nobody is worthy of heaven. Everyone has sinned and is deserving of Hell. There will be a day of judgment where you will be brought to trial with God as the judge, and you will be judged for every thought and every action. What can you do. You know that you are a liar, a thief, an adulterer, and a murderer. You know that you are guilty of breaking God's Laws and are deserving of Hell. Like a good judge, you cannot bribe God with good works. You cannot earn God's favor by anything that we can do. It is like telling a judge in a court of law, "yes honor, I killed that woman and stole her car, but I give money to charity. Could you please let me go." The judge would be insulted and would give you your sentence in prison.
You now know that God cannot be bribed, and your eternity is starting to look pretty bleak. But there is still hope. God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect, sinless life, and to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. This is similar to back in the court of law. You realize that there is nothing that you can do because you cannot afford the fine, and therefore will have to serve your prison sentence. But Jesus, dying for our sins, is like someone who you don't know, coming into that courtroom and laying down the million dollar fine. He tells you that he loves you and that he sold all of his possessions so that he could come up with money to pay the fine. The judge looks at the money, sees that the fine has been paid, knows that justice has been served, and releases you. All you have to do to receive Christ's gift to you is to repent of your sins and to place your faith in Jesus. Repent means that you apologize to God for your sins and turn away from them. Then you put Jesus Christ on as you would put a parachute on if you were jumping from a plane. You trust Jesus with all of your life.
In conclusion, people do not go to Hell for not believing in Jesus. They go to Hell because they are sinners and deserve to go to Hell for braking God's Laws. Everyone is on a highway to Hell, and the only way to escape that terrible fate is through Jesus Christ. You now know what must be done to become a Christian and have everlasting life. You should realize that God is not some big bully sending people to Hell, but his a righteous, holy, and just God that proved how much he loved us by sacrificing His Son while we were yet sinners.
Amazing Grace
How Sweet the Sound
That Saved a Wretch like Me.
I once was Lost,
But now am Found,
Was Blind, but now I See.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Irrational Response Squad
What is rational about the Rational Response Squad? Not much, if any. Go to You Tube and watch the Rational Response Debate videos with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron debating the "Rational Response Squad" with Kelly (aka kellym78) O'Connor and Brian Sapient. It was broadcast live Spring of 2007. I've watched the debate all the way through and am amazed how stupid some people are. A lot of the people in the crowd would applaud the most idiotic arguments from Brian and Kelly. I was thinking to myself, are these people even listening to the words coming out of their mouths? Wow. Some people are pretty stupid. Think, people, think! Use your common sense. Actually think about the Rational Response arguments, they aren't even logical. As you are watching the clips, you might also want to check out some of the comments below the videos. Oh, boy. There are a lot of stupid people commenting. I wasted most of my free time for two or three months trying to reason with those people. It's like talking to a brick wall. It's not that they aren't intelligent enough to understand what I am saying, (or at least I hope they are) but they don't want to listen to what I say. If they even consider the idea that there is a God and He will punish those who have broken His Law, their conscience will unrelentlessly torment them, because their conscience screams to them that it is true. They work so hard to quiet their screaming consciences. You can tell that what Ray and Kirk are telling them upsets Kelly (aka kellym78), because she almost starts crying as she tries to justify her sinful life to herself and tries so hard to combat the arguments of Kirk and Ray. Just watch the videos, you'll see what I mean. It's not pretty, but it shows that she hasn't completely been able to kill her conscience, because it is trying to warn her of the judgment to come.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Is Mormonism Just Another Flavor of Christianity?
Many people have come to the belief that Mormonism is just another flavor of Christianity, like baptist, Methodist, Lutheran, etc. But is that really true? Let's look at one of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity and compare it with what Mormonism, aka Joseph Smithianity, teaches. We will examine the Trinity. One of the most important qualifiers on determining if a religion is Christian or not should be the Trinity, the belief in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as three distinct persons, yet coming together as one God. The trinity is eternal and has therefore always existed. Mormonism, on the other hand, teaches that God the Father (or in Mormon lingo, Heavenly Father) is a created human being just like us, only he was created on another planet in a galaxy far far away, a very long time ago. But, he was "good" and earned his way into an exalted status as a "god." Mormons teach, that we can also eventually be "gods," if we are good Mormons. Now, heavenly father having reached godhood was put in charge of his own planet. (by whom? i do not know, and i don't believe Mormons do either. at least I've never heard them or anyone else explain it.) He created it and gave birth to spirit babies. The first being Jesus, the second being Lucifer, also known as Satan. According to Mormonism, Jesus and the devil are brothers. Already, you can see that this is extremely different than biblical Christianity since both God the Father and God the Son are created beings. Not eternal as the Bible proclaims. The reason that Lucifer, according to Mormonism, was banished from heaven was because he was jealous that Jesus was chosen to be the Messiah. This completely flies in the face of what the Bible actually teaches. The holy spirit, according to Mormonism, is entirely separate from God and is its own being. In conclusion, one of the most important aspects of Christianity is perverted beyond recognition in Mormonism. Yes, they do have their own version of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but have it so perverted from what the bible clearly teaches. To substantiate their lack of credibility from the Bible, Mormon leaders made up their own "bibles." (book of Mormon, pearl of great price, etc...) To answer the question that I started with, NO!!! Mormonism is completely different than Christianity and would more accurately be called a denomination of Hinduism, since Hinduism believes in countless gods and Mormonism believes that we can all be gods. So, the next time you hear of a Mormon calling himself (or herself) a christian, you will now that in all actuality, they couldn't be much more different.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The Blasphemy Challenge
Word. This video shows what stupid people do to suppress the Truth, to make themselves feel better about how they live their lives.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Stupid Commercial
The most annoying commercial to me is that stupid Ditech commercial that states, "People are smart." That irritates me, no, people aren't smart. I am not saying they lack intelligence, I am saying that they lack common knowledge and good sense. If people are so smart then why are so many people in credit card debt? They lack self control and good sense. They forget that they have to eventually pay for everything they buy plus interest. Why do people believe in evolution? They believe, because that is what they are taught. They don't take the time to look at the evidence for themselves. If they would, they would realize that it is unscientific and unintelligent to believe that through time and chance some primordial soup would get zapped by lighting and like magic, life appears. I'm pretty sure that in 8th grade Biology I was taught that spontaneous generation had been proven false. Then later I was being told that my great-great ancestor came from a primordial soup. Isn't that spontaneous generation? Why do "scientists" so obviously contradict themselves? The answer is simply, they cannot accept the alternative. The alternative being the existence of a Creator God, the God of the Bible, that spoke the universe into existence and will one day judge the world for braking His Law. So they commit intellectual suicide to escape the reality of the judgment to come. The thought greatly saddens me, that one day, so many people will have a rude awakening, when they realize that they've been living a lie, and will be eternally tormented in hell.
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