Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Stupid Commercial

The most annoying commercial to me is that stupid Ditech commercial that states, "People are smart." That irritates me, no, people aren't smart. I am not saying they lack intelligence, I am saying that they lack common knowledge and good sense. If people are so smart then why are so many people in credit card debt? They lack self control and good sense. They forget that they have to eventually pay for everything they buy plus interest. Why do people believe in evolution? They believe, because that is what they are taught. They don't take the time to look at the evidence for themselves. If they would, they would realize that it is unscientific and unintelligent to believe that through time and chance some primordial soup would get zapped by lighting and like magic, life appears. I'm pretty sure that in 8th grade Biology I was taught that spontaneous generation had been proven false. Then later I was being told that my great-great ancestor came from a primordial soup. Isn't that spontaneous generation? Why do "scientists" so obviously contradict themselves? The answer is simply, they cannot accept the alternative. The alternative being the existence of a Creator God, the God of the Bible, that spoke the universe into existence and will one day judge the world for braking His Law. So they commit intellectual suicide to escape the reality of the judgment to come. The thought greatly saddens me, that one day, so many people will have a rude awakening, when they realize that they've been living a lie, and will be eternally tormented in hell.

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