Friday, March 7, 2008

A Question or Two for Evolutionists

I have a question for evolutionists. Let's pretend here, I know its not very hard for evolutionists to do, that after billions of years, blind chance and luck finally gave rise to the first living cell from the primordial soup. How many times did this have to happen before the blind chance and luck "learned" how to develop a cell the could reproduce? How could a fully developed cell capable of reproduction come about in the first place by blind luck and chance? Furthermore, evolution can't even explain what causes death? Why do things die?

Well what a great "scientific fact" we have in evolution. The only reason a person would believe in evolution is that they are ignorant, stupid, insane, or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that.

Not only can evolution NOT explain how life arose... but it also FAILS to explain why life dies. The decision is up to you if you want to commit intellectual suicide and blindly follow the illogical theory built on blind chance. Talk about the blind leading the blind.

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