Saturday, January 10, 2009


I recently listened to an audio clip on Youtube by "th3w01fv2" that demonstrates how to counter the Way of the Master method of evangelism. This method uses questions based on the 10 Commandments to reveal the sinfulness of the individual. For example, one line of questioning is composed of "have you ever told a lie?" and "what does that make you?" The answers are usually "yes" and "a liar." This type of questioning shows that all it takes is one violation to break the commandments. This in turn allows the person being questioned to realize their sinfulness and need for a savior.

The counter-method for this type of questioning usually reverses the questions. Instead of "have you ever told a lie," the counter-question would be "have you ever told the truth?" Following the logic that if one is true, then the reverse is true is a completely idiotic idea. If you tell the truth one time you are a truth teller? Come on! This can be compared to poison in a drink. One drop of poison put into the cup makes the contents lethal. The reverse statement would then be: one drop of beverage put into a cup of poison makes it safe.

As you can see, this counter-questioning has no impact on the original answers. They make no sense logically. However, from comments made by "th3w01fv2," himself (or herself), the intent of the counter-questions is not to disprove the original questions, it is to irritate the questioner (evangelist). It all seems rather childish. It is the same thing a brother would do to his older sister. The only purpose of the counter-questions is to annoy and waste the time of the evangelist; to keep the evangelist from reaching other people.

In conclusion, people devoting this much time to a cause like this are either: trying to convince themselves that they are right, psychopathic, or have too much free time and should think about moving out of their parents' basement sometime before their 40th birthday.

(Link to audio clip)

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