The image of the burning Twin Towers is ever present in post-9/11 America. It is a solemn reminder of the atrocities committed against our country. Why did these people attack us? To answer this question we must first realize who attacked us. The men that hijacked four planes on September 11, 2001 were of Middle Eastern descent and all belonged to the Islamic religion. Their actions were not in conflict with their religion, as many claim. Their holy book, the Qur’an, specifically teaches followers to kill infidels, mainly Jews and Christians. So it only makes sense that they would want to attack a country founded on Judeo-Christian principles.
We now have a better understanding as to why Islamic countries hate us, but why do many European countries hate us? The question of why Europeans hate us is a perplexing one. Less than 70 years ago, the United States saved Europe from Hitler and his Nazis. That was then. Now, those same countries hate us and have forgotten the hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers who sacrificed their lives in World War II. During the last 50 years, Europe has experienced a rapid secularization. Religion is no longer important to a majority of Europeans. During this same time, the secularization of the United States has been slower. Even though we are not as religious as we once were, Europeans view our country as a place of intolerance and religious extremism because of our country’s Judeo-Christian roots. They see us in almost the same light as they see Muslim extremists.
Let us now examine what real tolerance is and why Islamic extremism is not the same as the religious “extremism” of many Americans. Many people think that being tolerant means that you can’t make a moral judgment on anyone’s beliefs or behavior and you cannot force your beliefs on someone else. However, by their own definition of tolerance, they are being intolerant by forcing their belief of tolerance on me. As Doug Marlette puts it, “no one is less tolerant than those demanding tolerance.” (Alfand and O’Brien 17) Real tolerance means that you can have differing views and you don’t have to kill someone because they don’t believe the same things you do. It is okay to say that someone else’s opinion or belief is wrong. Many Europeans now have the worldview of Postmodernism, which states that truth is relative. This means that what is true for you is not necessarily true for me. This makes no sense; if this statement is always true, then it is false. It is self-contradictory. You might be wondering what postmodernism and the new “tolerance” have to do with each other. Individuals who believe in postmodernism then create a new definition of tolerance. Tolerance, for postmodernists not only, means that their views cannot be criticized, but others must also embrace them. The Christian faith is not “tolerant” in their sense.
The Christian faith, or worldview, is at complete odds against the postmodern worldview. Where as postmodernists believe that truth is relative and can be different for each individual, the Christian worldview believes that truth is concrete and transcendental. The truth is the same for all universally. This view is not “tolerant.” Therefore, Americans who are viewed as mostly Christians by the majority of the world, are intolerant extremists and are put into the same boat as intolerant Muslim extremists who kill those who don’t believe the Islamic faith. Now that I have shared with you the reason that Europeans hate us, let me now show you the distinction between Christian “extremists” and Muslim extremists and whether or not Christians really are intolerant.
Muslim extremists follow their holy book and murder innocent nonbelievers in the name of Allah. Christian “extremists” follow their holy book, the Bible, and try to convert nonbelievers through reason. They do not, however, murder individuals who don’t convert. But are Christians tolerant in the true meaning? Yes, Christianity is the most tolerant belief system that exists. Islamic terrorists have killed thousands; mobs of Hindus have killed hundreds; atheistic regimes have killed millions. Even when you turn on our biased news, you don’t hear of roaming hordes of Christians killing Muslims and Hindus. You don’t hear of Christian terrorists. You don’t hear about Christian dictators killing all atheists. Without the true tolerance of the Judeo-Christian worldview, there would still be a slave trade in America. Even Samuel P. Huntington states that even though America is one of the most religious industrialized democracies, we “nonetheless tolerate and respect the rights of atheists and nonbelievers.” (Alfand and O’Brien 13) Now I will explain why the United States should and shouldn’t be hated by other countries.
Europeans shouldn’t hate us for being a Christian nation, because we really aren’t. America is secularizing at a steady rate, although a couple of decades behind Europe. Given a few more decades, we will be just as postmodern and “tolerant” as Europe. For the Islamic countries, they will hate us no matter what or until we become an Islamic country ourselves. They don’t like secularization or Christianity. Because of this, Europeans have another reason why they shouldn’t hate us. Just like during World War II, we are protecting them. If not for the American troops in the Middle East, Islamic terrorists would be attacking both America and Europe. America is like Bat Man at the end of “The Dark Night;” he has to be hated by the people for the good of the people.
I fear for our country. As future generations become more and more secularized and “tolerant”, who will stand up for truth and justice? Who will dethrone the dictators who kill millions? Who will fight against terrorists who murder the innocent? Who will protect the defenseless? Our world is heading toward destruction in the name of “tolerance.” In this future “tolerant” world, who will have the authority to deal out justice? “If theft/rape/murder is right for him, who am I to tell him he’s wrong?” These are all logical statements if filtered through the postmodern worldview. But we can see that these statements don’t line up with reality. We know that it is wrong to steal, to rape, and to murder. There is absolute morality. Truth is not relative. So what can we do to change the direction that our country is headed?
First off, to change where our country is going, we need to stop caring what other countries think. In elementary school, we were taught to do right, even if it wasn’t popular. Secondly, we need to get back to our Judeo-Christian foundations. We were founded on these principals. They worked for 200 plus years; why ditch them just because they aren’t popular anymore? The tragedy of 9/11 should be a wake up call. We shouldn’t change our country, because our enemies don’t like us. If our enemies are being friendly to us, it means we’re doing something wrong.
Work Cited
Alfano, Christine L., and Alyssa J. O'Brien. Envision in Depth: Reading, Writing, and Researching Arguments. New York: Longman, 2007
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